
How to write a blog

Writing and posting regular blogs to your website gives you an opportunity to share your expertise, while helping to drive traffic to your website.

If you are a small business owner that is new to blogging, or if you are unfamiliar with blogs, here are some helpful tips:

1. Create a content planner

A content planner provides an overview of what you could be writing for your website throughout the year. Start by entering key events or milestones for your business, and note down potential blog topics to support your business message. If your business is launching a new product or service, writing a blog will allow you to share key information with your audience and assist with future enquiries.

2. Choose topics that are relevant to your target audience

Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and ask yourself, what product or service are you looking for? If your business is able to solve a problem that your target audience may have, that is a good start for a blog topic. For example, if someone is looking for a graphic designer, a potential blog topic could be “Top three things to look for in a graphic designer.”

According to Julie Solomon who is a branding and marketing strategist for influencers, using words that connect with your audience has the power to increase engagement, and transform a blog post into a highly optimised and searched piece of content.

3. Build keywords into your content

To enable a search engine to find your blog, your content must have the right keywords. Search for words relating to your business on Google or Pinterest and see what results come up. If you want your blog to rank as a result of a particular word or group of words, make sure you include them throughout your blog.

4. Add headings and sub headings

Make it easy for your audience to skim through your blog by including headings and sub headings. If the headings and sub headings are relevant to your audience, they are more likely to read your blog from start to finish.

5. Use a call to action

Give your audience a clear instruction after they have finished reading your blog. If you want them to contact your business, make sure you include some contact details such as an email address or phone number.

These are just a few ideas to help you get started with writing blogs for your website.

Further information

If you need help with creating blogs for your website, contact Caroline at CGM Marketing and Design by emailing: